Logarithmically Expensive Science Recipes

Modification that makes the recipe of science require previous science.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i option to force satellite to require gold science

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Possible to use a function to ADD gold science to list of ingredients required for a satellite? there are a few mods that already replace/edit the recipe for the satellite so it'd be best to have gold science ADDED to the current ingredient list in data-final-fixes.lua if you decide to do it. Also, this should probably be set as an optional recipe as there are already mods that double or triple the cost of space science, and combining the impact of those WITH this mod may be too much.
Otherwise, all the other science packs seem to work as intended. white science is the only one not currently touched by this mod

6 years ago

edit: logistic science added by bob's mods seems to be unaffected as well.

6 years ago

bobmods.lib.recipe.add_ingredient("satellite", {"high-tech-science-pack", settings.startup["satellite-ScienceCost"].value})

6 years ago

^place in a prototype and have data-final-fixes.lua set to require it

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

the startup setting is so the amount of gold science can be tweaked a bit by the user, as some people may want to do. I set the setting to int, with a range between 1-1000, with the default being 100. feel free to use that, or to tweak however

6 years ago

Great, thanks for the info, i will add this recipe!

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