Everyone is a specialist in their own field.
As a mechanic I can said: why people dont replace oil personally. It isn't that hard. :-)
Sorry, didn't mean to mock you, "making settings is easy" was in response to " 1.Im not skilled enough to create interfeace". The interface is provided by the game (it's not like a custom GUI, which really is more difficult), a setting just adds to it.
There's some kind of problem in data.lua
/unexpected symbol near char (133)/
OK, perhaps it wasn't clear: "…" is a placeholder. In your original data.lua, keep everything that is before or after the ingredients block Just replace the number of stones with "settings.startup.LandfillNEWcost.value}" and it should work.
By the way: Usually you must make sure that the setting exists and that there is a value that can be used. But in the setting definition, we've already made sure that the setting value will be an integer number (determined by setting type), and we've made sure that it always will have a value (determined by default_value) which is greater than 0 (determined by minimum_value). So in this case it's OK to simply use the setting value.