Land Mover

Dig a hole to get some landfill, resulting in a hole of water. Then you can replace the land somewhere else...

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g [Updated] Instrucitons unclear

5 years ago

I am confused by the instructions. The instructions seem unclear to me and I am unable to get the tool to work.

The FAQ states to use the tool from the map. I pick up the tool then open the map (or vice versa, open the map then select the tool from my hotbar). Then when I click anywhere on the map close to my player nothing happens.

Is the mod broken? Do the instructions need to be updated? Am I doing something wrong?

Confused kreeg

5 years ago

I finally figured out how to get the mod to work. The way the instructions are interpreted it reads as though the shovels don't need to be manufactured.

The FAQ could use clarification that the Shovels and the Land Mover both need to be manufactured for this to work.

5 years ago

I rewrote the question on the FAQ page. Feel free to give more suggestions where needed.

New response