
Replaces lab vanilla sounds. Best use with DiscoScience

4 months ago
1.0 - 2.0

g CaramelldansenLabs

3 months ago

That's a strange thing to ask (without testing), but does it work the same as or what is the difference?
Ok, I tested it and too damn subtle, I barely even noticed anything against the ambient soundtrack.
Not that I'm going to complain here, but the other mod isn't updated so... Ikd, just wanted to share the existence of it.

3 months ago

It was intended to be a very very subtle joke quickly thrown together while loosing sanity in krastorio+se (if I recall correctly) modpack with friends. My guess is that there might be differences in used loop and volume as you've mentioned, we've used a very short loop of mostly "u u uaua" part to soften desync issues, but now there is even mod for solving that. There was plenty of different versions floating around after Mandalore review video, I guess our only flex is that we predated it all. I don't mind if there are reworks, remixes or other versions being made, as long as people keep having fun and wondering what those disco labs are raving to. :D

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