Kruise Kontrol

by Klonan

Hit Kruise Kontrol and let it take care of your problems.

3 years ago

b Path lines remain in world forever after toggling Jetpack

2 years ago

Using the Jetpack mod while on auto-pilot causes the path lines to remain visible forever. They even persist through saving and reloading the game:

1 year, 6 months ago

The same happens when entering a train. Disabling/Loading/Saving/Re-enabling the mod makes them go away.

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)

Same. I haven't found a reason yet. It happens without JetPack, and not near trains. I thought it might be Picker Dollies or Teleportation, but often happens independent of them. To clear them, I need disable the mod, play, save, then re-enable the mod.

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