Krastorio 2 & LTN deprecated

by hfok

Contain Krastorio 2 and LTN with little QoL. This mod does nothing by itself. After 0.18.26, some of the mods no longer work together. Which is why I decided to mark this mod pack as Deprecated.

Mod packs
4 years ago
This mod 32 From other mods 4
Dependency types:
Default 32 Required 20 Conflict 0 Optional 12 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 4.45M
base >= 0.18.22 -
FluidMustFlow 154K
FNEI >= 0.3.1 282K
Krastorio2 316K
LogisticTrainNetwork 239K
LTN_Combinator 169
LTN_Content_Reader 44.1K
OpteraLib 385
ArmouredBiters 148K
Bottleneck 228K
even-distribution 350K
Squeak Through 442K
Construction_Drones 359
Automatic_Train_Painter 83.3K
VehicleSnap 218K
themightygugi_longreach 32.8K
alien-biomes 565K
rso-mod 138K
advanced-logistics-system-fork 2.92K
Logistic-Gun-Turret >= 0.8.6 12.4K
Hovercrafts 59.9K
cargo-ships 198K
Waterfill_v17 203K
BeastFinder 14.2K
AutoDeconstruct 252K
lightorio 29.8K
inbuilt_lighting 34.2K
clock 47.5K
production-monitor 6.80K
bobenemies 235K
creeper 20
Rampant 116K
Last dependency data update: 7 hours ago (for v1.0.7)