A modpack with too many mods

A modpack just for fun, yeah alright I agree, it's torture...

Mod packs
4 years ago

b No Biters

3 years ago

I have a problem with the biter spawns. (They are not spawning on the entire map)
And the "Evolution" of the biter is not going up
Any ideas? (I have no other mods installed)

3 years ago

When you have Angels mods you have a slider in map settings that you need to slide to MAX to enable biter spawning in map generation...
Pollution is also disabled by default.
Enemy tab:
- Slider: Angel's Enemy Multiplier - set to 600%
this enables Biters
- Checkbox: Enemy Expansion - tick it ON
biters will make new bases
- Checkbox: Evolution - tick it ON
biters will grow stronger and evolve
Advanced tab:
- Checkbox: Pollution - tick it ON
enables pollution mechanics


All above options are disabled by default when you play the game with Angel's mods

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