Inlaid Lamps

This mod adds a lamp that you can embed into the floor! Can be driven over safely.

6 years ago

i Self powered Lamps

6 years ago

Hey man, thanks for the nice mod!
Is there a way to make the lamps dont require power? Maybe a lamp with a battery in the recipe, that dont need to be powered by a power pole?

Sorry for my bad english.
Greetings :)

6 years ago

tried to make solar powered lamps ( 10 lamps + 1 solar panel = 10 lamps that require no power ) but couldnt figure out how to make them work outside a grid, as the mod crashes if you dont specify an energy use on the lamp entity..

i might look further into making something later, will post here then :)

6 years ago

I found an older mod for the version 0.14 that is called "Solaire Lights". This mod uses three different types: "solar-panel" "accumulator" "electric-pole".
Take a look at the code, maybe it helps. :)

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