I, Robot

by Pi-C

You are Compilatron. Just a graphic change.

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Fixed?] Melee attacks is an issue

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

There's no attack animation, so you get stuff like sound-spam when you manually mine rocks or trees. Not a big deal here. mining speed is based on time.

But melee attacks against biters and enemies is based on per attack, and we're attacking every frame. This means that melee attacking will VAPORIZE any biters that get in range of you. You can start the game and just go on a base killing rampage before doing literally anything.

I suggest to put in at least a fake swing animation that takes some frames to complete. It could also fix the loud sound issue.

1 year, 7 months ago

Thanks a lot for the report! I usually don't run Factorio with sound turned on, so I didn't notice the sound-spam. :-)

I suggest to put in at least a fake swing animation that takes some frames to complete. It could also fix the loud sound issue.

For version 1.1.9, I copied the walk, walk_mask, and walk_shadow animations and added a value for animation_speed to the animations I use for mining_with_tool. However, I'm not quite sure whether the value I've chosen is OK. Would you mind trying this with different values? All that's necessary is changing line 16 of file animations.lua:

-- Modifier of the animation playing speed, the default is 1, which means one
-- animation frame per tick (60 fps).
local mining_animation_speed = 10/60

If you think that another value for mining_animation_speed is better, just holler and I'll update it for the next version. :-)

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