IR3 Squeak Through

by Brad87

This is just a temporary replacement for the existing squeak through mod, it has been patched to work properly with the Industrial Revolution 3 Mod. Allows you to walk between what used to be obstacles such as directly adjacent solar panels, pipes, steam engines, mining drills, and chests. No more frustration when walking about your base!

1 year, 10 months ago

g It seems Industrial Revolution marked this mod as incompatible

8 months ago

The mod Squak through 2 does work, haven't tried this one though

2 months ago

mod author who prevent people to play as they want - -

2 months ago

mod author who prevent people to play as they want - -

That is typical behavior of Deadlock689, unfortunately. As talented a person he/she is, they don't get along well with others IMHO, as history has shown us especially back during the days of the first Industrial Revolution he released if my memory serves me correctly. Boy, that was months long of drama lol IIRC.

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