Combines water and steam into a single fluid - H2O.

3 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

b mod incompatibility: Geothermal Vent

3 years ago

G'day. The combo of this mod and the "Geothermal Vents" mod fails: Geothermal Vents define a resource, steam-vent, with a minable result of steam. This fails at the end of the data phase because the fluid "steam" no longer exists; looks like you need to walk through the mining results tables to replace as well.

    minable = { mining_time = 1, results =
      { {
          type = "fluid",
          name = "steam",
          amount_min = steamset_strength,
          amount_max = steamset_strength,
          probability = 1,
          temperature = steam_temp,
--        catalyst_amoumt = steamset_strength,
        } },
3 years ago

G'day. The combo of this mod and the "Geothermal Vents" mod fails: Geothermal Vents define a resource, steam-vent, with a minable result of steam. This fails at the end of the data phase because the fluid "steam" no longer exists; looks like you need to walk through the mining results tables to replace as well.

lua minable = { mining_time = 1, results = { { type = "fluid", name = "steam", amount_min = steamset_strength, amount_max = steamset_strength, probability = 1, temperature = steam_temp, -- catalyst_amoumt = steamset_strength, } }, },

edit: this works for me.

    if v.minable.results then
      for _, result in pairs(v.minable.results) do
        if result.type == "fluid" and result.name == "steam" then
          result.name = "water"
          if not result.temperature then
            result.temperature = 15

New response