really great to get such warnings.
this makes it a lot easier earlygame, or when trying to keep on playing with no lasers.
i just installed the mod and wanted to test how it works since the info says everything essential but still left me wondering about details. thus i placed a turret near but not too near to a nest, and some time later the mod crashed with the message :
Error while running event GunTurretAlerts::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
GunTurretAlerts/control.lua:20: in function <GunTurretAlerts/control.lua:5>
i could cause the crash many times although i don't know the exact details. but it has probably something to do with a turret being attacked, maybe damaged, running out of ammo, and then the crash seems to happen as soon as the cursor touches the turret sprite.
i kept testing and it didn't crash when the cursor touched the turret, but soon after the turret was destroyed and a few seconds later while running away from biters and doing nothing else, the same crash happened. maybe the mod tried accessing the no longer existing turret ? more testing: this seems to be confirmed since i always get a crash several seconds after i manually deleted the turret, probably when the mod does a periodic check every 10(??) seconds.
suggestion for improvement: sometimes i get a long list of identical messages in the alert popup (i have chained turrets and thus up to 100 or even more turrets may temporarily get below the limit when they forward ammo to each other). could that be combined to something like "xx turrets are low on ammo" and "xx turrets are out of ammo"?
if it isn't too complicated (maybe you just use some internal counter for 0 and for the threshold when also inserters start refilling them) it also might be handy to specify my own thresholds in mod settings, eg when i want to check on low ammo on a distant turret the threshold would best be much higher (giving me more time to refill it), or for my chained turrets the "out of ammo" warning would already be nice when the turret couldn't be properly refilled (when below the "automatic refill threshold" minus stacksize).
current "low" warning seems to happen at 7 ammo. this causes a lot of alerts since turrets are refilled when below 10 and thus quite often a turret in my chain forwards the next 3 ammo (stacksize of my inserters) resulting in 10-3=7 ammo left and triggering the alert. thus 6 would be a better value for my setup.
and yet some more ideas: for the icons yellow and red bullets are nice, but why not use the vanilla "no ammo" warning icon, either from vanilla or (as dependency) from another mod like nobody needs so many signals or speaker signals. and of course, i also would wish the turrets with low ammo to be marked similarly to turrets with no ammo :-)