Gear Girl Character

This mod replaces your character with a female version of the engineer, Gear Girl!

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Inventory size with Bob's mods

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

If i change base inventory size in Bob's metals mod settings to 100, using gear girl always has 80 slots base inventory still. This mod doesn't override default character's animations but somehow creates a new different one, or that's how i understand it.

At the moment i'm a bit unsure how to go about the issue. Is the only real way making a new compatibility mod for these 2, or if you could add a mod setting for gear girl's inventory size?

Or i suppose just adding the Bob's metals mod as optional dependency might be enough for this mod to get the modified inventory size in its cloned one. Testing...
"dependencies": ["base >= 0.18", "?bobplates"],

Edit: That didn't help.

2 years ago

So last note is that Shrek does this by deepcopying the character

New response