This mod only adds the armor sprites for default vanilla armor,
That's OK. Custom graphics for custom armors would be nice, but are hard to implement.
so modded armor wouldn't be considered by the mod since I'm not the author of those mods.
But you could easily map custom armors to the existing animations! As a quick hack, just for "Krastorio2", I'd put this in data-final-fixes.lua (about line 10, right after you define CHAR_NAME):
-- Fix K2-armors
if mods["Krastorio2"] then
local char = data.raw.character[CHAR_NAME]
table.insert(char.animations[3].armors, "power-armor-mk3")
table.insert(char.animations[3].armors, "power-armor-mk4")
local armors = data.raw["character-corpse"][CHAR_NAME.."-corpse"].armor_picture_mapping
armors["power-armor-mk3"] = armors["power-armor-mk2"]
armors["power-armor-mk4"] = armors["power-armor-mk2"]
By the way, I'd like to send you an update for the character generation/overwriting code one of these days. I've finally updated my character selector mode some time ago and improved the logic of my own character mod in the process. I think it would be a good idea to add this to Gear Girl as well. But it will still take me a while -- real life is interfering again. :-)