
Adds hotkeys to adjust power prioriry of generators

5 years ago
0.13 - 0.17

g Mod Support?

7 years ago

I'm guessing this doesn't work with Mods which make different versions of the steam engine?

I am running bob's mods and it doesn't seem to do anything when pressing the hot keys, not even a message, and i have Mk2 Steam engines only.

7 years ago

It should work, unless the steam engine is not a type=steam engine.
It goes through every type of steam engines and copies it. I have Dytech on my playthough and it adds 4 additional tiers, and these work with it...

7 years ago

I just tested it, and It worked fine over here, do you have any other mods? maybe something else in your list makes it not work

7 years ago

Think it would work with Youki's steam engines as well?

7 years ago

It should work fine, it makes no mayor changes except copy it.
The only issue is the name, as it would be called something like "GP-youki-steam-engine-mk2-primary" haha. I could see what youki calls their steam engines and add them on the next version with more localization names

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