Global Tick Time Scale

by Zanthra

Change the UPS/FPS of Factorio without changing the game pace. Allows almost-normal gameplay at 120hz.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0

g Alternative way to play at 120Hz

2 months ago
(updated a month ago)

In short, it's possible to use program called Lossless Scaling. You can find and buy it on Steam.

When we run or drive around in Factorio, whole screen is scrolled up or down, left or right with mostly constant speed. When you try Factorio at 120 FPS (or more) on high refresh display you may notice improved picture clarity during motion, this is why many people want to run in at 120 FPS, just to have 120 FPS clarity when we move around factory. It does not matter if sprite animation is still running at 60fps or less.

Solutions I've found so far:
1. This amazing mod. It does help, but it has limited compatibility with other mods and as I can see from list of bug reports, things not always work as expected. But hey, it exists, mostly works, updated for 2.0 and it's FREE.
2. Lossless Scaling. It does help! Interpolated frames will not be as good as real one, but it's still better than 60 FPS. And since it does not interfere with how game works, it has zero changes to introduce bugs or incompatibility with mods. So, it's fake frames, adds input lag (I don't notice it) and it's NOT free.

That's it. May be my findings will help somebody. And if anyone knows other ways to bring HFR experience to Factorio, please do share!

2 months ago

Helped me a Lot, but i need to do som tweaks
4K @ 120Hz
--fullscreen=false --window-size maximized
and turn on taskbar autohide to avoid scaling.

a month ago

Hey Nicck, just wanted to thank you for this suggestion. That software has almost completely fixed the blur. It creates a few artefacts here and there but it doesn't make my eyes go weird any more lol

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