GDIW - Gah! DarnItWater!

Allows switching liquid recipe inputs and outputs.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g No Prod Modules On Mirrored Oil

2 years ago

Hi, so my problem is that on mirrored oil i cant put on any prod modules
I saw a thread from a while ago that this was already a problem, but im still having this issue so i suppose its not fixed yet.
Could this be fixed? not having prod modules really makes the factory shittier.

8 months ago

I have this problem too.

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Looks like this is a runtime issue - since many mods add or update recipes, GDIW doesn't detect anything that loads after it.
In my case I'm running K2-SE, so if I set both of those as dependencies for it, then I am able to add productivity modules to flipped recipes again. (Even vanilla ones, since I'm guessing SE touches or re-adds them)

It did cause some issues with Recipe Book, so had to toss this in above line 67 of scripts/database/technology.lua:

    if recipe_data == nil then
      goto continue

and then the label


on what is now line 122

2 months ago

Looks like this is a runtime issue - since many mods add or update recipes, GDIW doesn't detect anything that loads after it.
In my case I'm running K2-SE, so if I set both of those as dependencies for it, then I am able to add productivity modules to flipped recipes again. (Even vanilla ones, since I'm guessing SE touches or re-adds them)

It did cause some issues with Recipe Book, so had to toss this in above line 67 of scripts/database/technology.lua:

  if recipe_data == nil then
    goto continue

and then the label


on what is now line 122

Could you maybe share how the files supposed to look both info.json to set dependencies, and for recipe book? Because editing info.json causes circular dependency error, and recipe book seems to have been changed and line 122 seems to be a wrong one to place ::continue::

New response