Free Real Estate fix

by MasterA

A mod that adds 36x36 "factory buildings" that you can enter and build inside of. A heavily optimized from-scratch replacement for Factorissimo.

7 years ago

b This is version works for Factorio 0.15! Waiting for somebody to fix it for 0.16...

7 years ago

This mod deserve his update to 0.16, because his perfomance IS OUTSTANDING! Comparing with Factorissimo - Free Real Estate is about up to ~30 TIMES (!) more efficient with doing the same job in about 100 factories! It's true, because my old notebook is very sensitive to high CPU loads and I measure it. Author Sirenfal is really done a great job, but mod needs to be updated. PLEASE, great Lua coders! Believe me, we need this mod to 0.16. I tried my best for a long time but I fail... Sorry, because I asking for you. Please, masters of code, relive this masterpiece to 0.16!!! We can't wait for this! Pleeeeaaaassseee...

Here is link to pre-0.16-FreeRealEstate, - in this edit - game can now load, new game starts, factories can be builded, but when player wants to enter in - ERROR - "while running event Free_Real_Estate::on_picked_up_item (ID5) Free_Real_Estate/factory/waypoint.lua:148: attempt to index local 'transit' (a nil value)". That's all my friends. Help!!!

7 years ago

i am just testing your pre 0.16 mod, what i can tell you is that the mod name has to be the same as in the "info. json". But I fixed that, the next thing I find rather strange is as soon as I have researched your building and then place it, my complete game crashes. no mod error message but a window pops up and tells me "an unexpected error".

7 years ago

Sadly, but pre-0.16-mod begin to crash game from some of new versions of Factorio, like present one. When there was old 0.16.0 or something - it shows just error, but game didn't crashes. Someone already create a report for this issue:

If u want to help, maybe there is better to begin editing from this (for 0.15) version of Free Real Estate. Maybe you can avoid the crash this way.

7 years ago

ive seen that value that is given by rseding91. i try a little bit at home later then i think there should no error come.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

it was a double post. ignore this

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