
by Mylon

Inject slurry into oil wells to get more oil out of them.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Translation & bug

6 years ago

Hi. Found a bug or error. when the well goes to shale oil, any fluid can be pumped into the pumpjack by mistake, not just fracking fluid. This is not critical, but please can fix this thing. and add my translation to Russian:


fracker=Подземный инжектор для повышения нефтеотдачи месторождения

fracking-fluid=Жидкость для гидроразрыва

fracking-fluid=Жидкость для гидроразрыва

crude-oil-sand=Сланцевая нефть

fracker=Подземный инжектор для добычи сланцевой нефти

fracking=Гидроразрыв нефтеносного пласта

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thanks for the translations and bug report.

Wrong fluids entering the fluidbox is a problem that also happens to mining drills, so there's not much I can do to address that.

New response