Tiberium fixed for 0.17

Originally by Zillo7 fixed by SAH4001, fixed again by Oktabyte. Adds Tiberium - Harvest it to convert it to other ores.

5 years ago

a I'm going to be updating this mod.

5 years ago

I've decided that since I want to use this mod, and nobody else is doing anything with it, that I'll be taking it on while I am playing this.

Just wanted to let everyone know.

5 years ago

Thanks. I was considering trying this mod, but I don't want tiberium fields to expand indefinately. I would like to limit the radius. I do like the idea of tiberium re-seeding in the limited radius. If walls and gates could be used to limit the expansion then that would work for me.

5 years ago

Currently, Sonic walls block tib growth. I'll need a gate variant.

5 years ago

Thanks again. I think I'll try a new map now and see how this mod works.

5 years ago

Word of warning, it uses a lot of data, due to the way the tib growth is coded.

That is the first thing being redone.

5 years ago

ok. I'll let you know if I have any issues.

5 years ago

How does this look for tib control?


5 years ago

Those other recipes in the image are also new.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

tib control looks ok. I haven't done any more than mining and basic processing yet.
I slowed the growth down quite a bit. In control.lua:
global.growthRate = 10 -- (was 30?) sets how many units of ore are added to existing ore pieces when checking for adjacent spaces
global.spreadRate = 100 -- (was 1) how often should new ores be created? (Higher = slower)

For quite awhile when I first started there was no tiberium. And then all of the sudden I noticed it was all over and expanding at pretty big rate. I guess it is designed not to begin initially in the start area. (I tend to turtle in my games and I don't have biters enabled.) If I didn't have a robot start mod it would be pretty difficult to keep up with the original settings. I kept one construction robot near the miners with some repair packs to keep things going. Also the recipes for converting the tiberium run pretty fast and need to be slowed down a bit to match slowing down the tiberium growth. I also think the recipes for converting the bricks should be done in the chemical plants or maybe regular assemblers. Converting to oil might still need to be in the oil refinery or chemical plants (not assemblers).
A couple of pictures: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmbU9TAVLRYBgc03qTRlF3KdtYVhBg?e=PwcmwO

5 years ago

Good feedback.

I have already adjusted the recipes in my local version,mostly giving them more granularity, which slowed them down.

I hear ya on the brick thing. The oil refinery is huge, so yeah, I'll do something about that.

As for tib spreading, I am going to be completely changing how it works. Give it proper fields, more like the CNC games.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Cool. I was thinking instead of the tiberium creeping, maybe an existing plant (decoration?) could be modified to look like the creeping plants like in CNC. And then have the plant expand at a fixed rate. In addition to blocking with special walls, maybe it could also be blocked with concrete or stone bricks. If it is just a decoration, then the concrete or other floor tiles would block these by setting the decorative_removal_probability value of the tiles to 1. I am thinking I could modify a factorio plant in Photoshop to show you what I mean.
Edit: I plan to make a map with just Tiberium on it, and then edit in the map editor to add some of the other ores and oil just in the start area to get me started.

5 years ago

I'm not sure how decorations are managed.

Good ideas, and I may implement them later.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

And we have a different, and massively more efficient, infest thing. Tiberium now grows in fields from Nodes. These nods can also be mined for tib, and they themselves do replenish as well(The node gets half of the tib growth, the field gets the other half). The max growth radius for these fields is determined by the amount of ore in a 20 distance radius, divided by 1000, and then square rooted. For these purposes, only the first 25 mil tib counts.

So far, this is having an impact on UPS when it runs, looking into ways to reduce. The goods news is that memory usage is massively reduced, so load times will be much better.

Also, recipes have been juggled. Tib ore is now processed in the Oil Refinery. Bricks are made in assemblers. Bricks, and later Liquid Tib, are converted to the ores in chemical plants. The liquid tib direct recipes are unlocked with the last tib tech, Tiberium Control Network. 150 production science has been added to the cost of this tech.

That mining drill I showed eariler, the Tiberium Control Node, is also unlocked by that last tech, with a mining speed of 10/s (non final), an area of 200x200, and a power cost of 25MW as base. It can only min tib ore.

5 years ago

Hey there, just poking to see if you were still updating this mod?

5 years ago

I am. We've got a reworked spawning and growth system.

You can actually download it to try it here https://github.com/James-Fire/Factorio-Tiberium

There's still some stuff I want to do, but I may upload it here later today.

5 years ago

Oh! I'm pretty surprised to see someone else also poking at Tiberium.

I've been messing around a tiny bit myself, and I'm glad we both thought to put work towards making 'nodes' manage all the growth, since it's the only way to really handle spread in an optimized manner.

I've mostly been poking at the graphical end, as well as trying to shape tiberium growth to look and feel a bit more interesting. Since that's something that's quite present in the Tiberium universe, but is very much lost when it just grows out uniformly.

Is there a way to come in contact with you? Even if we might end up having different visions for what Tiberium would do gameplay wise, I'd like to help polish up the core of it. No point in me redoing the same kind of stuff you've been working on, after all.

5 years ago

Oh, you're art? Ah, lovely. Yeah, growth from nodes is already fully done. It works well.

Discord would be the best place. James Fire#4872 Come friend me, and I'll invite you to the group I've got.

5 years ago

Thanks James :3 I appreciate it and look forward to the mods future :3

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hi there! Just checking if you would place a link to the reworked mod here when you have a fully functional version?

Awesome to see that there are multiple enthousiasts for the tiberium in Factorio. Really curious to see where this will go in the future, as it opens up the possibility to even have a complete Tiberian Sun experience in factorio ^^ just dreaming out loud :)

5 years ago

You can come give ideas and critique existing ones here https://discord.gg/C8tgPyY

And here is the github with a functional version. https://github.com/James-Fire/Factorio-Tiberium

4 years ago

ohh..dident know this little clunky but hiny gem been adopted!...read the posts and hoppe its ability to spread infinitive or only limited to a small area can be a setting rather then hard coded

4 years ago

If you search up Factorio and Conquer, I think you might like what you see.

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