First One's Free

This mod will give you an extra inventory slot for each different item type in your main inventory.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0

b 0.17.35

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)


the recent changes of player -> character in 0.17.35 broke your mod.

Error while running event First_One_Is_Free::on_player_main_inventory_changed (ID 32)
real number expected got nil.
stack traceback:
First_One_Is_Free/control.lua:43: in function 'changeInventorySlots'
First_One_Is_Free/control.lua:17: in function <First_One_Is_Free/control.lua:13>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_inventory'
First_One_Is_Free/control.lua:43: in function 'changeInventorySlots'
First_One_Is_Free/control.lua:17: in function <First_One_Is_Free/control.lua:13

Changing line 43 in control.lua with defines.inventory.character_main fixed it.

Cu, steinio

5 years ago

Ya, I saw a comment on a different mod of mine earlier today and figured this one would be effected too. I saw in the forum they recommend just doing get_main_inventory() instead of using defines, so I'll fix it this evening.

Thanks for the bug report though.

5 years ago

Updated for the latest version.

5 years ago

Thank you.

New response