Filter Helper

Adds context aware quick select for filter inserters.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [Request] Assemblers (and the like) should automatically have a filter for what they create

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Many of my one-of assemblers/foundries/etc are wired up to the chest they put their items in so they don't produce more than a certain amount of an item. So a condition of my assembler would be to only produce when Inserters<100. But like a caveman, I have to click through the lists of items to find the one I want rather than having it available in your mod's menu.

3 months ago

You can click Q on the inserter icon on the result, to get it as a ghost in hand, which you can then use to click on the condition.

P.S. For this kind of thing I recommend making a parameterized BP for the inserter+chest, having them automatically filtered by your parameter.

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