Filter Helper

Adds context aware quick select for filter inserters.

2 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Fixed in 2.0] Ghost in hand doesn't work for non-filter inserters

1 year, 7 days ago

Specifically, "Middle button to put ghost in hand, to manually set filters or conditions"

Items I want to set as circuit conditions will show in normal inserters, but I'm unable to get a ghost item to actually use them. I don't think I have any mods that would break this behavior, but admittedly haven't tested in vanilla yet.

(As a side note, it would be nice if fluids from circuit signals still showed so they could be added as circuit conditions easily. I'm aware the fluids were causing crashes earlier, but perhaps it could be prevented from being added as a filter rather than hiding it from the list?)

1 year, 6 days ago

Normal inserters currently do not show filters. It should work with filter inserters or other entities that show the filter helper.
I have a plan to add a system that will help setting circuit/logi conditions, including on normal inserters and other entities that have control behaviors.
About fluids, unfortunately it's not (easily) possible to put fluid ghosts in hand. But if I add the system as above, it will not be required.

1 year, 6 days ago

Then I suppose new bug report: the filter is showing on normal inserters. Though it’s not really a problem.

Thanks for your work on this mod, it’s a really nice piece of qol

1 year, 5 days ago

What mods are you running? They don't show on normal inserters in vanilla + filterhelper.

1 year, 5 days ago

It seems to show when the inserter is receiving circuit signals only. Most inserters will correctly not display the helper. The only control tooltip is the middle click to get ghost item, which doesn't actually function outside of actual filter inserters.

No mods aside from filter helper, just tested standalone. It'd be nice if normal inserters could actually use the ghost items while circuit controlled, but I understand the simple fix is to just hide the helper.

New response