
Adds factory buildings you can walk into and build parts of your factory inside. This mod will not be updated for Factorio 0.15! Get Factorissimo2 instead, it's much better.

7 years ago
0.13.0 - 0.14

i Some ideas

8 years ago
  1. When you mine a factory, it should remove the "Factory Power Distributor" on that surface in order to stop objects from working within the factory....when placing, you can simply put that module back. It's the easiest solution to that issue. You could choose to recurse this with inner factories, it shouldn't be that intensive.
  2. When a building is destroyed, everything inside the surface should be destroyed and ghosted (the capacitor can be emptied of charge as well)....but don't get rid of the surface. Instead, place a ghost in the world where the factory used to be, and if the player replaces it, the insides can be rebuilt. To add to this idea, you can make it so that not everything inside gets destroyed, 10% or so might still be in perfect working order and another 20% might be turned into entities laying on the floor.
  3. If you make the factory similar to a requester logistic chest (with player lock-out, so they don't see nor interact with items in this "chest"), the chest can keep track of all items within the factory in a tabulation sense. When a player places a ghost item, it adds that item to the 'requester' log, and if the player actually places it, it adds it to both the 'requester' and 'chest' parts. This will have 2 effects:
    a. robots outside the factory will attempt to "fill" any requests this 'chest' needs, and as it gets filled, any ghosted items within can be replaced.
    b. when a factory is destroyed and replaced by a bot, it can "build the interior" simply by filling the requester needs.
  4. If you do make it a chest, you can leave 4 slots open for player interaction, items can be placed there for "viewing" on the map...so if I make a factory that creates iron, I can put a piece of iron in a slot so that the alt-view shows iron.
  5. It would be extremely nice to be able to "copy" a factory design more easily. When you shift-rightclick a factory, it should create a composite of the interior so that when shift-leftclick another factory, it takes that information and puts ghosts of everything inside (and if the logistic idea above is implemented, then robots can also build it for you as well).