
Adds factory buildings you can walk into and build parts of your factory inside. This mod will not be updated for Factorio 0.15! Get Factorissimo2 instead, it's much better.

7 years ago
0.13.0 - 0.14

i Circuit Network

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Is it possible to make a circuit network inside a factory which is accessible from outside? Would be cool to monitor what is happening inside the factory.

Another little feature would be a "copy factory"-Function. For example if you have a smelting-building you could copy it and use it for Copper, Iron, Steel and stone, without rebuilding it every time

Besides this, this is a really nice addition to the game. I'm having fun shrinking my production into this Factory-houses

8 years ago

Why not use blueprints for copy-pasting?

8 years ago

After making some thoughts, the copy-function would be unbalanced, because you are basically cheating in resources and new machines. So, yeah blueprints are the better option :)

But the thing with the circuit network is interesting i think. I noticed that you can attach a cable to the factory and a little yellow box appears, but i can't connect a wire to the substation inside the factory. I think there are people out there who will make some crazy stuff with this like a microcontroller made out of nested Factories and circuit networks :o

8 years ago

Nonsense. As long as copy-paste fails if you lack the resources, it will be fine. Also as long as it fails or spills if too many items are picked up.

8 years ago

Still wondering about the original question. interfacing the circuit network from outside :).

8 years ago

I would love circuit network factorissimo style. It would make it much more elegant to make sophisticated displays and other circuit network functions.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

I do believe one can use "connect_neighbour.wire_type.red" to connect the circuit network of the accumulator and the outside roboport entity without any further issues.

I have actually done so in my efforts to pick up a surfaces based mod, and tested (passing a whole bunch of different signals using a constant combinator through two paired accumulator_type entities)

8 years ago

I use FLAN (wireless networking) to get circuit connectivity inside my buildings. Works perfectly, but would be nicer and tidier to have circuit network support inbuilt into Factorissimo.

8 years ago

Also interested in circuit network working

8 years ago

I am currently working on a solution for circuit networks using a dedicated "circuit input" / "circuit output" constant combinator pair to pass signals in and out. hopefully itll work :)

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Serene... how far did you get with that?
I've just made my own implementation of Factorissimo + Circuits, using constant combinators in pairs to pass the data around.

It works perfectly, with signals propagated every tick, and I made 2 variants of the small-factory, one with a single pair of interfaces, and one with 4 pairs of interfaces. The only problem I have found is that actually sending signals through these things eats up performance... I didn't see an FPS drop in my tiny little test but I did see Factorissimo eating up thousands of microseconds just for one factory! I expect it to run like an absolute dog in real applications.

I could post it but I don't want to tread on anyone's toes, and I'd rather figure out a way to make it into it's own mod requiring Factorissimo as a prerequisite.