Google Maps Factorio style

Create a Google Maps-like map of your Factorio game

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

b Mod 0.16 not working on 0.16.36

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)


I noticed that this mod isn't working anymore, already since 0.15. It appears it stopped working when your Factory is "too big" - ?

It is creating stuff, directory and .jpg files as before. But some picture are just black: 2048 pixel wide and 2048 high, but just plain black, each is 754301 bytes big. When browsing the pictures it seems I cannot find anything of the main area or starting area. I can see few outposts and outside railway lines.
It has created 2600 pictures allocating 1.7GB.
Factorio log doesn't say anything either, only:

2019.165 Warning LuaGameScript.cpp:1524: luaremove_path error: Scripts can only use file space inside of script-output

What else can I do to help, to get this working again please?
Should I enable Factorio verbose log?
I have a server/domain, so exchanging the map isn't a problem really.



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