Google Maps Factorio style

Create a Google Maps-like map of your Factorio game

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

g Extra maxZoom

7 years ago

Hi there, love the mod first of! Secondly, is it possible to increase the maxZoom(Level) without having it bug out in your browser?
When I adjust the maxZoom in the index.html (to 8) it works, however after a few seconds it looks like the page/browser/google maps is trying to find the corresponding images for that zoom level and instead goes completely white. Zooming out to the previous visible level corrects it again.
I looked at the generateIndex.lua, generateMap.lua and some other places, but thought i'd just ask here before i start hacking away.
Now to be clear, I dont want to actually render the extra amount of zoomlevels/tiles, but just be able to zoom in on the 2048x2048 tiles (yes it will become pixelated).


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