Factorio - Directed by Michael Bay

by Watsong

Hi, acclaimed director and producer Michael Bay here. I love this game. The camera-work is superb, and the acting from the protagonist is better than I've ever gotten out of my actors. But there's one thing missing and I just had to add it to take this game from an indie production to a Hollywood blockbuster. EXPLOSIONS BABY! With the help of this mod, when anything in the game gets destroyed, it now leaves this world with a random, earth shattering explosion - Just like real life! Chests? Inserters? Trees? Anything from other mods? KABOOM!!

5 years ago

g This looks neat

5 years ago

Ima try this bugger latter :D

I agree. There aren't enough explosions.

Could you also make the nuclear reactor explode even bigger? Currently it will explode in a rather dramatic way, but when I think "nuclear explosion" I don't want a pathetic little blot of my base gone. I expect the WHOLE THING flattened.

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