Screenshot Toolkit

* Snipping: Screenshots a selected area, similar to programs like the Windows Snipping Tool or Flameshot. * Timelapse: Automatically does screenshots of the whole base in set minute intervals. Written to be performance friendly. Aims to be your do-it-all toolkit for screenshots.

1 year, 9 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

a End of hiatus

a month ago


I just wanted to drop some info. I was in hiatus for almost two years now due to private stuff, like building a house (instead of this mod).

Most things are now done and I finally get some free time on the weekends that is not just spent recovering from all the working. This means in a few weeks I'll probably get the time and energy to maintain this mod again. First I'll fix the crashes and in a few months I will start implementing new features.

I'm glad you enjoy using my mod, which was initially just intended for myself. I sometimes search the factorio discord and can see that almost every other week somebody is recommending the mod to others. That is really motivating and makes me kinda proud.

I'm looking forward to your feedback.

a month ago

Hey welcome back!

New response