FUE5 Exporter

by Atria

Adds selection tool for exporting bases to json readable by FUE5

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Error when exporting offshore pumps

6 months ago

Hey so I'm getting an error when trying to take a capture my factory where it will crash the game and exit to the main menu. Luckily, It doesn't happen all the time and after blindly tracing around my factory it looks to be an issue with trying to capture offshore pumps and any pipes that are directly connected to them as well as SE rocket silos with pipes connected

Game/mod versions
Factorio 1.1.110
Space exploration 0.6.138
aai-containers 0.2.11
alien-biomes 0.6.8
jetpack 0.3.14
robot_attrition 0.5.9
shield-projector 0.1.3
space-exploration-graphics 0.6.18
space-exploration-graphics-2 0.6.1
space-exploration-graphics-3 0.6.2
space-exploration-graphics-4 0.6.1
space-exploration-graphics-5 0.6.1
space-exploration-menu-simulations 0.6.9
space-exploration-postprocess 0.6.3
informatron 0.3.14
aai-signal-transmission 0.4.9

in game Crash log:

The mod FUE5 Exporter (1.0.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event FUE5Exporter::on_player_selected_area (ID 51)
FUE5Exporter/scripts/export_entities.lua:49: table index is nil
stack traceback:
FUE5Exporter/scripts/export_entities.lua:49: in function 'get_neighbour_directions'
FUE5Exporter/scripts/export_entities.lua:113: in function 'export_entities'
FUE5Exporter/control.lua:33: in function 'process'
FUE5Exporter/control.lua:72: in function <FUE5Exporter/control.lua:71>

6 months ago

I might fix this, but I don't know when as FUE5 itself is basically abandoned.

6 months ago

I'd love a fix for this, as I'm trying to export my SE base too.

New response