FUE5 Exporter

by Atria

Adds selection tool for exporting bases to json readable by FUE5

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Directions clarification?

1 year, 10 months ago

FUE5(the editor side) is not automatically loading the outputted .json file. It brings up a prompt to Import As, with no default options that I can confirm. My technical knowledge on this topic is effectively zero, so can you offer any insight? Many thanks.


1 year, 10 months ago

I'm working on new loading script which can be configured to load any path, so you can set it to your output location from factorio.

But in the meanhile I don't have any tip. It is probably caused by UE5 tracking file changes, so theoretically you can close UE5, copy the file and reopen UE5. But you are better of just cancelling this import dialog :D

1 year, 10 months ago

ok cool, i'll try that and see what i can do. thanks!

1 year, 10 months ago

ok cool, i'll try that and see what i can do. thanks!

edit: i think i had a combination of user errors.
1: launching FUE5 from the library view, instead of loading the editor and opening the .uproject file from there. this seemed to cause it to only load the 'welcome' sign and the rocket entities.
2: renaming the exported-entities.json file to something else. i think this is what resulted in the 'import as' issue above.
3: general ignorance of what i'm doing here XD

hope that helps!

New response