
Adds more floors to organize your factories

3 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Dectorio

3 years ago

There is a mod bug in V018
Incompatibility between the scratched surfaces (Red - Black and maybe others ...) of DECTORIO and your mod
Thanks in advance to see what you can fix

3 years ago

can you describe what the problem is?
It sounds like it might be a layer issue I can take a look at it

3 years ago

Instead of the red striped surface the cursor erases the surface and replaces it with virgin earth, ditto for the black striped
You are probably right because I deactivated your mod and if I find the red and black striped surfaces I do not have the green stripe which makes the same virgin earth effect with DECTORIO only.
Sorry I only write French (google translate)

3 years ago

For Info: The mod blamed for the bug was Alien_Bone V5 Since then I found all the surfaces of your mod and Dectorio is not defective

3 years ago

Can you show me an picture/video of what is happening? When I tried replacing the red striped tiles with extra floors variants and they were behaving normally

This is my testing setup:

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