
Adds more floors to organize your factories

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Crash

7 years ago

Factorio 0.16 crashes with the following message
Path_More_Floors_/graphics/icons/alien_metal.png does not match any enabled mod

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

it's very easy to fix the bug. you just have to replace More_Floors with Extra_Floors in every file, then the mod should work again.

7 years ago

ive made a fix heres the link https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhfBFNLo-7IWwUmpWcEm30oasvC7

7 years ago

Next error:
Path More_Floors/graphics/icons/more-floors-tab.png does not match any enabled mod

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

it's very easy to fix the bug. you just have to replace More_Floors with Extra_Floors in every file, then the mod should work again.

I tried doing that by opening every file and searching for More_Floors and replacing it with Extra_Floors in all open files but i still got the crash

said it'd change 613 instances is that the number you got?

7 years ago

yes, that's correct, it's normal if the zip file has a different name like in info.json then it has to be changed in the source code, otherwise the mod doesn't work.

7 years ago

so i´ve tested it and it works now. is it working by you then i have work done.

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