Ferby's Extend Vanilla Game

This mod stays very close to the vanilla game but extends it with a lots longer and harder endgame. Every tweak is documented and customizable.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1
4 years ago
Latest Version:
2020.100.17 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.18 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
117 users

I love the vanilla game, but there are some stuff I don't like, so I changed it and try to be as near as possible to the vanilla game.
The mod also makes a lot of stuff much harder in the late game.
Have fun and send feedback.

Every number could be turn off/on in the mod settings.

Following was changed:
1) Behemoth Enemies have 3 times more health and will spawn more likely in the late end game

2) Medium and Big Worms have 3 times more health, Behemoth Worms have 5 times more health

3) A rocket part in the rocket silo costs 10x nuclear fuel instead of 10x rocket fuel, so you need now much bigger uran processing.

4) Crude-Oil is set to finite

5) Water is now a fininte resource. There are water spots like oil spots that can be mined with the pumpjack.
One water field produce 600 water/second what is enougth for 10 boiler or 10 heat exchanger.
If this option is enabled the offshore pump is disabled.
The player will start with one solar panel and one pumpjack.
Water is generated in the starting area.
(Currently this setting is not RSO compatible)

6) Radar scan area and power consumption 4 times bigger

7) Roboport incease area, 12 instead of 4 loading pads, and energy consumption by about factor 4

8) Double size of wood chest, steel chest and storage tank (and make them more expensive)

9) Accumulator 4 time more energy capacity and 4 time more expensive

10) Underground pipe 3 times longer and 3 times more expensive

11) Empty barrel could hold now 100 fluid and empty barrel gets more expansiv

12) Combat Robot (defender, distractor, destroyer) lifetime increase to 5 minutes, costs of defender increase factor 5.
In combination with the new research tech "Combat Robot lifetime increase +5 minutes" it is funny again to use combat robots.

13) A lot of recipies needs now previous tier:
a) Electric pole need previous electric pole
b) Armor need previous armor
c) Furnace need previous furnace
d) Mining drill need previous mining drill
e) Steel chest needs wood chest
f) SMG needs pistol
g) Combat shotgun needs shotgun
h) Steam turbine needs steam engine and heat exchanger needs boiler

14) Removes Fish from the map (because they are useless)

15) Remove iron chest and burner inserter (because I never used them)

16) Add wood to coal reciep

17) Disable auto-aim for all bullet based weapons (copied from KS_Combat mod), rebalance bullet weapons

18) Add a lot of new balanced infinite technologies:
a) Research for character running speed
b) Research for character crafting speed
c) Research for character health
d) Research for character inventory slots
e) Research for robot battery
f) Research for robot storage
g) Research Productivity for science lab
h) Research for research speed
i) Research for combat robot lifetime