Exploration Vehicle 1.1

by De7ilx

Cars now automatically clear impeding trees and rocks.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Add trees and Rocks to Trunk

6 years ago

Anyway to get an option to save the Trees and rocks to the Car/Tank trunk?

6 years ago

just noticed that rocks are going into my inventory, but trees aren't. I want the trees for https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Wood_Gasification

6 years ago

Rocks will go into your inventory and trees not because when you break the rocks in distance with a gun for example then the rock will be on the ground as rock items that you can collect. When you shoot the trees then no tree items remain on the ground. So when trees are broken then there is nothing left to collect. For your situation, you should use some mods for wood production. It is much more efficient than driving over trees anyways.

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