
by Woetoo

Simple mod to add extra lighting at night around player. Handy if you're afraid of the dark, or streaming. Expanded MoreLight, also adds Cars, Tanks and some other vehicles.

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

a Welcome to lovely_santa

4 years ago

I just wanted to thank lovely_santa for accepting moderator permissions for this addon.

Given the nature of how permissions work within the Factorio Mods Portal, we actually haven't spoken about it.
But I'm very grateful they have accepted the invite.

For anyone who doesn't know, they created a copy of this addon each time I failed to notice there was a big Factorio update (often) - so that the functionality could continue and users didn't have to wait for me to pull my thumb out of my... pudding. (Which is more or less what I did for closteam's original addon).

Anyway, thanks.

New response