Expanded Rocket Payloads Continued Touched by an AngelBob

by quindao

This mod gives Expanded Rocket Payloads Continued the AngelBob treatment. patched By quindao to run on factorio version 1.1

1 year, 11 months ago

g a post on a other mod

2 years ago

ill look into it

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Sounds awesome. If u need any info about some compatibility let me know.

2 years ago

Hey wonder if u have any update about this?

2 years ago

im not really planning on using your mod so if you want it done you should be able to do it on your end by just overwriting the recipes and techs that are changed by my mod

2 years ago

Well then i don't care more about it. It's easier on your end since i tried and it will be to complicated as of how my mod is structured. Since your end is having an optional is not that easy no.

2 years ago

still see if i give it a try.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

im not really planning on using your mod so if you want it done you should be able to do it on your end by just overwriting the recipes and techs that are changed by my mod

Well my mod is not changing recipes. My point was that i don't ask for your sake but others. and it would definitely be easier for u to adjust the recipes u already created.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Well i notice that this mod is not the side the compatibility need to be done at. but still would be happy should it be done. Other wise i don't mind more about this.

this mod would be the side. sadly the person seems gone. so apology for the mess.

New response