Another Sulfur Mod deprecated

This mod adds mineable sulfur ore to the map, that needs to be purified with a new assembling machine and a new typology of crafting (purifying), but this machine needs to be researched for make the game a bit interesting ;D. (This mod is ntended to supplement your production of sulfuric acid by enabling mining of sulfur deposits.)

6 years ago

g Sulfur generated incorrectly on map. This is really a replacement mod not a supplement mod.

5 years ago
  1. This mod currently disables creation of sulfur in the factory. It should problably be mentioned that it is a replacement mod, not a supplement mod.
    2, When generating a map with sulfur areas, all settings are ignored except the 'none' option which completely disables sulfur area generation. The maps generate way too much sulfur. Other minerals can be adjusted fine. I should be able to adjust size, intensity and quantity in the map editor.
    Other than the above, I like the mod. Thanks for taking the time and effort to update this.
    I ended up just creating a map with no sulfur and then editing it to add an area of sulfur to get started.
5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

First of all i'm sorry for this, but the mod was thought only as a test for create ore patches, so it's normal that it's bugged.
Second thing: 'cause it's bugged, 'cause there are lots of mods that add sulfur as a ore and 'cause i've not all this time for update all my mods to 0.17 (in working in these days on this project (link: and there's the school too), this mod will most likely become deprecated.
I'm very sorry, and thank you for the support/appreciations.

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