Another Sulfur Mod deprecated

This mod adds mineable sulfur ore to the map, that needs to be purified with a new assembling machine and a new typology of crafting (purifying), but this machine needs to be researched for make the game a bit interesting ;D. (This mod is ntended to supplement your production of sulfuric acid by enabling mining of sulfur deposits.)

6 years ago

g Where’d my iron go?

6 years ago

I’m playing a rail world map and I have a lot of mods running, but it was when I added this mod to the mix that I quit being able to find iron on the map. The only iron left is what was already there. I’ve explored way out in a couple of directions looking for more iron, but all I get is lots of sulfur, with the occasional stone, coal and uranium. But no more iron (or copper for that matter now that I think about it (I have a ton of copper in my base area already so I wasn’t looking)). Any clue why it seems like this mod has superseded iron and copper with sulfur. I tried a couple new maps and went exploring with the same results. I like mineable sulfur, but not at the cost of all the iron and copper... now I’ve got to start over on a new map. Oh well... at least the game is fun enough that starting over is only mildly annoying.

6 years ago

I don't know why man, because i've tested this mod in a lot of sessions of Factorio and i've never seen this bug (perhaps this mod collides with another mod(s) in your modpack.)

I will revise the mod and I will do something if i'll can

6 years ago

It’s cool. I really don’t mind restarting. I was happy to see mineable sulfur again, but apparently I’ve learned to live without it. My restart doesn’t need it anymore, I’m trying to get rid of petroleum and sulfur production is a great way to do it. So at this point Mina let sulfur would be a detriment anyway. Thank you for your response and keep up the modding. Wish I had the skills and time to create my own mods.

6 years ago

I'm so sorry, but i don't find any bugs in the mod (i've already try 7 session of 8 hours).

Ah... you're not the only that hasn't the time for modding (and a bit of skills).
All that i've done it's without any course or anything similar for, give me time and i will see if i could resolve your bug.

Again thank for your support.

New response