Another Sulfur Mod deprecated

This mod adds mineable sulfur ore to the map, that needs to be purified with a new assembling machine and a new typology of crafting (purifying), but this machine needs to be researched for make the game a bit interesting ;D. (This mod is ntended to supplement your production of sulfuric acid by enabling mining of sulfur deposits.)

6 years ago

g For For cncr04s:

7 years ago

You can't update your mod with my files: they've a copyright (gnu gplv3). Your mod hasn't had a gnu gplv3's license like, so i've been able to use your mod for make my mod. Your licence doesn't affect my mod, because my mod it's not a copy (i've done some changes and i fived your bugs), so your license wasn't strong enough to keep your mod safe. Thanks anyway for your work, you have done a good work and i've loved your mod for a long time, but now i've my mod.

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