Dp77s FactorioPlus: Power deprecated

This mod adds 8 new tiers of solar panels and accumulators, based on my mods, very useful and powerful...but i challenge you to craft them. Fully compatible with bob power, with wich adds 6 new tiers.

6 years ago

g Same Issue (Getting Tier2 back)

6 years ago

Hi, I don't want to spam messages but I am having the same issue with Tier 2 Solar Panels and Accumualtors. Everyting up until placement works fine, placement and energy production too, but i can't mine it (or have it deconstructed by a robot) because it will return me Tier 1 Solar Panel/Accumulator. Nver tried for upper Tier. Thank you for reading.

6 years ago

Oh sorry i've missed this thing. I'll fix it.

6 years ago

Very quick reply, very quick fix, and it works. Thank you so much, you're doing amazing :)

6 years ago

The thanks are mine, without the posts of the community it could be more difficult for me find these bugs.

New response