Delete Empty Chunks

by Strath

Delete chunks which contain no player entities, configurable chunk radius & paving detection

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Space Exploration support

3 years ago

Hi! Using this mod with SE is little complicated: need every time before deleting change surface name property.
May you get surface name from player properties while player click delete button?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

i second this but with a few caveats. allow the detection of the server admin and whichever surface the admin is on and then when the button is pressed it deletes the chunks for that surface. this way it would work for any mod which uses additional surfaces such as Space Exploration, Mobile Factory, etc...

This is one of my favorite and dare i say most important mods. Thanks for creating this.

this mod really pairs well with space exploration potentially allowing for infinite exploration and endless multiplayer dedicated servers.

3 years ago

The code already exists to detect whether the person clicking the button is an admin on multiplayer servers. It wouldn't be difficult to add surface detection. Might actually dust off the code to add it.

3 years ago

a list to pick from would be greeat

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