Delete Empty Chunks

by Strath

Delete chunks which contain no player entities, configurable chunk radius & paving detection

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Activated by pressing unrelated buttons

4 years ago

When this mod is installed, ranodm players get the message "Only admins can delete empty chunks" when pressing buttons in the GUI that have nothing to do with this mod. For example, it might happen when pressing close in the "Change Map Settings" dialog. It seems this mod hooks itself up to all kinds of buttons in the GUI, not just its own.

4 years ago

Ok, I looked into the code. It isn't "hooked into all kinds of buttons" in Factorio, clicking on a button issues an event. It is up to every on_click event handler to check "was that for me". Well it turns out that I missed one such check with the only side effect being displaying that message. There is no chance that the actual function of the mod will be activated by another unrelated button. I will release a fixed version.

4 years ago

Bugfixed release is up.

New response