Deadlock Stacking For Bobs

Add stacked items for Bob's

1 year, 15 days ago
0.18 - 1.1

b Resources walkthrough

4 years ago

I think based on a conflict with Madclown's extended minerals, there's a crash at line 70 for some resource when it tries to index '?'.

4 years ago

I have done nothing for 'Madclown's' mods .. If you can give me a save file and a copy of your mod-settings.dat file I will work out what needs to be done. is a site I use for transferring files.

4 years ago
Here's a save with a somewhat reduced combination of mods that has the crash once you add in this mod. The mod-settings.dat should be sufficient, but let me know if there's an issue; I use ModMyFactory, and it may be storing a copy of mod-settings.dat somewhere else.

4 years ago

OK, the mod does not crash any more and the save you gave me loads.

Do you need a mod to stack "Mad Clowns" items ?

4 years ago

No crash for me either! Nope, though I'm sure someone out there would use it.