Dark's Modpack WIP

My personal modpack. This mod alone does nothing. Report crashes, balance issues and other problems to https://github.com/DarkShadow44/DarksFixesAndTweaks/Issues.

Mod packs
4 years ago
This mod 109 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 109 Required 109 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 13.1M
base >= 0.18.0 -
DarksFixesAndTweaks-WIP 60
aai-industry 524K
angelsaddons-crawlertrain 234
angelsaddons-oresilos 665
angelsaddons-pressuretanks 590
angelsbioprocessing 180K
angelsindustries 103K
angelsinfiniteores 107K
angelspetrochem 201K
angelsrefining 205K
angelssmelting 197K
apm_lib 34
apm_nuclear 24
apm_power 22
apm_recycling 24
apm_resource_pack 32
AsphaltRoads 317
beautiful_bridge_railway 51.1K
beltSorter 39.5K
better-air-filtering 10.3K
Bio_Industries 54.4K
bobassembly 262K
bobelectronics 245K
bobenemies 249K
bobequipment 228K
boblibrary 397K
boblogistics 294K
bobmining 258K
bobmodules 235K
bobores 258K
bobplates 256K
bobpower 267K
bobrevamp 220K
bobtech 235K
bobvehicleequipment 183K
bobwarfare 263K
Bottleneck 263K
bullet-trails 416K
cargo-ships 220K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals 18.1K
Clowns-Processing 22.0K
Clowns-Science 14.8K
CompressedFluids 12.4K
CopyAssemblerPipeDirection 3.42K
creative-mod 103K
Dectorio 74.7K
DragonIndustries 101K
Enhanced_Map_Colors 104K
even-distribution 414K
Factorissimo2 222K
FARL 47.7K
Fill4Me 140K
flib 845K
Flow Control 189K
Geothermal 28.3K
helmod 434K
Honk 98.0K
LogisticTrainNetwork 253K
LSlib 61.0K
miniloader 192K
moweather-se 13
multi-product-recipe-details 13.2K
NextGenEvolution 1.82K
only-smelting 82
OpteraLib 433
osha_wind_power 1.77K
PavementDriveAssist 185
PCPRedux 9.68K
production-monitor 7.66K
pyalienlife 58.6K
pyalienlifegraphics 58.8K
pyalienlifegraphics2 58.2K
pyalienlifegraphics3 57.9K
pycoalprocessing 69.9K
pycoalprocessinggraphics 70.0K
pyfusionenergy 65.0K
pyfusionenergygraphics 65.0K
pyhightech 59.4K
pyhightechgraphics 59.2K
pyindustry 69.3K
pypetroleumhandling 61.2K
pypetroleumhandlinggraphics 61.2K
pyrawores 61.6K
pyraworesgraphics 61.5K
PyCoalTBaA-Temp-Dark 9
Realistic_Electric_Trains 159
rso-mod 145K
RubberBelts 596
ScienceCostTweakerM 80.0K
ShinyAngelGFX 238
ShinyBobGFX 311
Shuttle_Train_Continued 12.3K
SmartTrains 6.88K
SmogSolarPanels 2.50K
SmogVisualPollution 2.39K
SpaceMod 102K
Squeak Through 474K
stdlib 406K
TheFatController 19.3K
Todo-List 222K
train-pubsub 17.8K
underground-pipe-pack 40.3K
vtk-deep-core-mining 36.1K
Warehousing 206K
WaterWell 69.3K
what-is-it-really-used-for 33.4K
Last dependency data update: 13 hours ago (for v0.0.3)