Crafting Speed Research

by Klonan

This mod adds research to increase the player crafting speed

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b not appearing to affect player crafting speed at all, possibly other mod interaction is cause

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

so i've done like 30 levels of crafting speed research through this mod in 16.24,and my player's crafting speed hasn't changed at all. have you done any testing with other mods installed and noticed any odd interactions? Bob's character classes, infinite research, quality of life research, and creative mode mod all installed, though i'm having trouble isolating source of the issue. no crafting speed bonus for character shows up in bonus screen, either, not sure if that says anything.

6 years ago

Bob's character classes or quality of life research? did you try?

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