Crafting Priority Continue

by qubix

Use SHIFT P, SHIFT D and SHIFT R respectively to promote last crafted item to front, demote first item to rear, or reset the crafting queue

4 years ago

b Got a crash :)

4 years ago

Error while running event CraftingPriority_Cont::reset-craft (ID 302)
No crafting queue.
stack traceback:
CraftingPriority_Cont/control.lua:56: in function <CraftingPriority_Cont/control.lua:54>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:56: in function <CraftingPriority_Cont/control.lua:54>

4 years ago

Big thanks for testing and sorry for not answering.

The original MOD is working in v1.0 and v1.1,
so, I will close this MOD.

New response