Crafting Priority

Promotes the last crafted item to the front of queue (SHIFT+P), demotes the first item to rear (SHIFT+D) or reset (SHIFT+R) the crafting queue (useful after picking up intermediate items) Be careful that your inventory doesn't explode!

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Crafting Priority fails to load in 0.18.22

4 years ago

I'm getting the following error with the latest Factorio (0.18.22) during loading:

Error ModManager.cpp:1469: Error while loading custom-input prototype "promote-craft" (custom-input):
Unknown consuming type: script-only

4 years ago

Changelog 0.18.22:
"Removed migration for CustomInputPrototype consuming types that were removed in 0.15.24."

I think changing "script-only" entries from data.lua to "game-only" should fix this. Hopefully, didn't test it yet :)

4 years ago

That change works in 0.18.21 and 0.18.24.


4 years ago

can confirm, this change makes the mod load in 0.18.28, otherwise it breaks

4 years ago

unfortunately, 0.18.30 doesn't work

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

will try for 1.0.0

update: IT DOES! Thank you!

New response