Copy Paste Modules

by kajacx

Copy and paste modules together with machine settings. Fixed for 2.0 by brandon942, thanks <3

4 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [Solved] New Update Broke This Mod

4 years ago

Title. Unfortunately the new graphics for beacons broke this mod. on my save at least. I imagine the fix is probably fairly simple? But I'm not sure.

4 years ago

Hi, I will try to take a look tomorow after work.

4 years ago

Thanks for the reply! And no rush. I know modding is a thankless job generally. So have my thanks, take your time, and I'm grateful when/if you can get it working!

4 years ago

Hi, just tried this now and beacons seem to work fine in a new game as well as when loading an older save. Can you paste the exact error text?

4 years ago

weird it's working now for me too! Must have been in combination with bobs mods or something.

New response