Copy Assembler Pipe Direction

Pasting a recipe to an assembler copies the source assembler's direction.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Add Bobs mods Support

6 years ago

Could you add support for bobs mods? I've had a look at control(and tested on private save) and the only thing that has to be done to be able to support bobs mods is to replace

if s.supports_direction and d.supports_direction and
s.prototype.fast_replaceable_group == "assembling-machine" and d.prototype.fast_replaceable_group == "assembling-machine" then


if s.supports_direction and d.supports_direction and
(s.prototype.fast_replaceable_group == "assembling-machine" and d.prototype.fast_replaceable_group == "assembling-machine" or
s.prototype.fast_replaceable_group == "furnace" and d.prototype.fast_replaceable_group == "furnace") then

6 years ago

Added with support for 0.16. Thanks for the suggestion and edit. :)

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